So, amazingly, I’m still looking at this …..

No-one who works in this hospital is reading my blog.

(Well, no way I’m telling them about it either)

I’m STILL looking at this!

This little gem is still staring at me.

But NOW,

it has a new friend to keep it company

My New Racing Car

I get to do laps round the ward with this.

In a nighty (Mr iT was not been doing my washing, so I’m scraping the barrel for PJ’s today)


compression anti dvt stockings

naturally opaque white,

and striped socks.

Don’t think I’ll be posting photos of that get up.


think I’ll continue with Linda in Chile’s great road trip.

Think she’s just got another 43 hours in the car with Mr LiC and the girls till she gets to the good stuff.

Linda – here’s some more of Patagoniia.

Linda - this is a Patagonian Flower

Your mission is to name this flower.

This is an EXTREMELY rare Patagonian bird.

Mr Linda in Chile, your mission is to both name this bird and take a photo of another one so I know that they are not yet extinct.

A task for the girls

Gorgeous Girls Linda in Chile

1(a)What is this animal?

1(b) Is it aggressive

Clue – I did not use a zoom lens for this photo.

All the bins in Puerto Natale look like this - sort of.

Family Linda in Chile

send more bin photos.

El Calafate Sunset, gorgeous or what?

This is just for everyone to admire.

Patagonia is just wonderful.




PS  I have had two days of the horrors.

Writing the blog really cheers me up, so thank you for reading.


40 thoughts on “So, amazingly, I’m still looking at this …..

  1. Poor you I must say you make a very amusing patient. I hope the nurses don’t cotton on to your blogging ways. I think the plant is a special form of btoccoli. I am not showing it to mr m he is a smarty pants know it all and will probably know it’s Latin name. I am exhausted from a day of baking and a trip to a friends farm. Sorry a out the nightie situation. Just be thankfful you are not doing laps in a hossie gown with your bum hanging out. Glad you liked my newspaper hearts. Don’t tell anyone but they curled in the humidity and look hideous!

    • Hi Deb,
      What on earth is a hossie gown? Oh – a hospital gown – tee hee.
      Mum’s the work on the humidity bending Deb hearts.
      I’ve got my air con on Freezing in here -so no humidity.
      I am going to action them there Moerks hearts tomorrow.

    • Yep, I know that. Aren’t I the clever one.
      Not really – falling out of a ceiling does not really signify intelligence.
      Believing you haven’t broken anything after 3.5 m fall, further lessens any residual intelligence.

  2. This scraping the bottom of the barrel pj situation is a worry Lou. Have you had stern words with Mr iT?
    I can’t believe how sterile, even for a hospital room, your room is.
    Are you on bed rest and light exercise with no surgery planned?
    Tessa is 11 this month and has been thoroughly spoiled her whole life. She is in fact the boss of this house.
    I’m glad this blog and our comments keep you busy.

    • Mr iT has started back at the gym. He did legs on Friday. Mr iT now visits hospital and seeks succour from the nurses, who bloody well pander to him.
      He is walking like a cripple, I suggest that he could go easier at gym since he’s had 2 months off, but he trains with a trainer and two other guys who are 576 years younger than him, so lessening the weights for his turn is not an option.
      Enough about Mr iT.

      Tessa – the Dentist vet says it’s the fine wool that irritates their gums, continuously, which then looses the tooth gum socket.
      The shaving is so unattractive isn’t it.

      The Dodgy Bros are on no mediation of course, they are still young (and don’t have woolly faces), but they can tell when the meds are being prepared IN BUTTER and they too would walk over hot coals for a taste.
      Glad you are not laddering>

  3. Dear L
    Good to see the Sisters of Mercy are still rocking that retro interior design. Hope you have one of those self regulating pain relief drippie things and hope you get home real soon. Wishing you a a good night sleep but suspect you will be looking for that viking yet again.

    • HI Paula, no drippy thing here for me. A veritable cocktail of pills, with a mathematical formula to know when to take them. Does my head in.
      Have actually got ONE nun here, but she’s a young Filipina, and prays all over me. Haven’t got the heart to not co-operate, but I watch the door like a hawk in case anyone sees me being a god botherer. I would be surprised if there were any Australian (well in my day they were all Irish) Mercy nuns left in Townsville.
      Nice to talk to you, I’m guessing you’ve had a bit of Sisters of Mercy experience yourself.

  4. Yep, Mr iT turned up with all the PJs tonight.
    He knew he had to take them home to wash, just didn’t know he had to bring them back clean. Go figure.
    So – did Tessa lose teeth because of gum disease?
    Bed rest – try chained to bed with dire threats of surgery and a backbrace if I dare to even roll over on my side.
    Have progressed to walking with that wheely walker – ONLY UNDER SUPERVISION of Physio. Psycho control issues going on here! Get 3 goes a day, whoopy.
    Loving hearing from you,

    • Yes Lou, gum disease requiring two lots of dental surgery over the last six years. Apparently poodles were at the back of the line when God was handing out the good dog teeth genes. The vet advises they should be clipped close around the mouth as infection gets in from the curly bits entering the mouth. She has to eat special kibble for cleaning (but sometimes the princess refuses)plus remaining fangs rubbed with chicken toothpaste. T gets any tablets rolled up in cheese and would walk over hot coals for a piece of bbq chook. I could go on and on!
      And I’m keeping an eagle eye on the husband when climbing tall ladders. He has heard ALL ABOUT your accident.

  5. Dear Louise, I said out loud “ooh, Louise has a racing car” and Mr Blighty was across the kitchen like a whippet on amphetamines, almost took out a kitchen chair on his way; well it’s good to know something still gets the old boy going! So soo sorry you are stuck in hospital, not nice at all, i do hope you at least are sleeping ok. Mr B sends his best wishes ( I think he is angling for a go in the racing car) and recommends the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich – about a girl bond enforcement agent in New Jersey with sidekick called Lula (an ex ho), they are v funny and easy to read, I put Mr B onto them but now he thinks he is world expert on them because he has read them all in order – so male. I like the look of the wolf creature in the Patagonia pics – would it make a good Blighty dog? Is Barchst (sorry can’t get the hang of the spelling) dropping by for afternoon tea today? I expect it will be fans and grapes and humming birds and caviar and silk couches for him; you’ll get a bit of fruit cake in cling film…lots of love Bxx P.S. Grandma W also sends her best wishes, she does not do commenting, she is bit like the Queen in that respect

    • Stephanie Plum, have read all of them. I love them, she’s such a crack up isn’t she. I agree with Mr B!
      Mr B might like Ian Brookmeyer (but check spelling) I love his books.

      I’ll see if I can smuggle the Racing Car out of the hospital and post to Mr B.
      I could have it painted red. Would that suit?

      Email Grandma’s email and I’ll write to her, I’LL EVEN ADDRESS HER AS YOUR MAJESTY QUEEN GRANDMA W.
      I’ll send photos of IB in all his blood pressure taking glory as well, as a special treat.

      Wolf (Fox actually) in Patagonia – they are called Zorro in Patagonia – so yes, I think it would be the perfect Blighty Pet. Imagine Boys 1 and 2 off to school to say Zorro lives in their house!

  6. Dear Louise, As well as treating you like a recalitrant (do you recall how Mr Keating brought this word back to ordinary ussge?) are the nurses and physios overly cheerful? One never appreciates this as one hobbles down the hall. We are in lovely El Calafate past the lakes of improbably aquamarine blue or the blue of my Roman glass earrings. We saw and almost ran over herds of guanacos, flocks of rheas and one poor ex-zorro (fox). They are building these wonderful new roads but although kms of these roads are asphalted they are not to be used yet and we bump along on the extensive gravel roads of which now I am a connoisseur. It felt as if we had our noses pressed to the glass of a sweetshop. Lots and lots of shops here – that is what an international airport will do for you but I made a pact with Miss Kittycat Not To Spend so more noses against glass etc etc ad nauseum. I loved the Stephanie Plum books and have spent many hours in duty-free airports sniffing Bulgari male fragrances wondering which one was Ranger’s. You learn an entire new language

    • HI Linda,
      Cheerful, well, hmmmm, cranky more likely. They are probably overworked, but some are a bit long in the tooth too.
      (God I hope they don’t cotton on to this blog).
      Some of them are absolutely gorgeous though – makes up for the “past their use by date ones”.
      Aren’t the lakes down there amazing? Did you have to go through the security check thing to drive in to El Calafate?
      Do you know why they have such a flash airport there? The president has a house there – what a con-incidence?
      I was flabbergasted at how much litter there was near our hotel – it was out of town and built near the old dump, and it look like a forest grove of plastic bags.
      Stephanie Plum – I’d never thought to check out what Ranger smells like – what a good idea.
      When you get to Torres del Paine (or similar spelling) I’m afraid you’ll see a lot of ex-guancos too.,

  7. Dear Lou,
    I have just come across your blog through Paula in Austria.
    I am terribly sorry to hear about your accident but glad to see you have certainly kept your sense of humour!
    Loving the racing car by the way!
    I’ve been reading back on your posts for some time this morning and they are absolutely H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!!!! I can’t stop reading!
    Looking forward to hearing more updates soon…

    • HI SSG,
      Great to hear from you.
      I used to read your blog before I started this one. Then, the overseas trip to lands without internet, the jetlag when I got home, the cyclone, then the grand descent from on high, plus the stay in La Resort de la Mater von Townsville – have stymied my blogreading.
      However – I’ve got the system wired now – tell the physio to bugger off I’m busy blogging, say yes to any and every pain killer offered, hide the laptop under the covers when boring visitors overstay their welcome, and read blogs when talking on the phone to people about work.

      So, thank you for those very kind good wishes.
      Thank you for saying I’m HILARIOUS – I sincerely have my doubts, and I think you are the kindest sweetest girl to say so, but I’m sure going to tell anyone who listens that you said so.
      In incredibly cruel news, the racing car has been lent to someone old – like about 909. I shouldn’t complain, but I’m dreading the next set of laps, I fear it will be holding hands with the Physio – new avoidance strategy needed to be developed asap.

  8. Louise – I had my youngest breathing down my neck in that ver determined way they have – something to do with being fed so I was not about to proofread. The word was recalcitrant and Mr LiC sends his regards and suggests the The Number 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency. Love Linda xxx

  9. Hi Lou,
    I just tried posting something but it seems to have gotten lost in cyberspace (an excuse for my lack of computer skills).
    Anyway, I found your blog via Paula in Austria.
    I was very sorry to hear about your accident but very glad to see you retained your sense of humour!
    I have spent some time this morning reading back through your posts.
    You are absolutely H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!!!
    Looking forward to hearing more soon.

    • HI SSG,
      This wordpress does weird things and your comment went to spam – but I RESCUED it. And So, I am HILARIOUS twice in one day! Yipppppeeeee.

      I’ve been telling everyone that WordPress is very difficult to master, and I will get a student at Uni to help me with it in two weeks when we all go back to study.

      BUT – the comment section of WordPress requires an email address (which I do not see or use), and I think that this alone makes it worthwhile.
      I cannot believe how many bloggers get revolting comments left on their blogs.
      What is it with the yuckos of the world? It says more about them, than it does about the person they are attacking. They are always anonymous – so brave hey?
      Anyway, WordPress seems to discourage that.

      I’m off to visit you now,

  10. Dear Louise,
    That looks like some fancy pants (FF 2010) contraption. So not what I thought. In a previous life I was a member of the noble profession of nursing. We would have got into the ear of Mr IT and explained about the whole washing PJ’s caper. Don’t get me started on the poor state of your bed. There is not a hospital corner and sight and blankets always had to be covered with a bed spread sheet thingie to look spick and span.
    On the subject of teeth and poodles we have just spent $800 on Z the blind poodles teeth being cleaned. Yes that’s right $800 with no extractions. First time in 13 years she has had it done but Vet wanted me to buy ‘spensive kibbley things and tooth cleaners to avoid her having cleaning again. I said ” Well happy to pay for the clean in another 13 years!” He didn’t find this very amusing.
    Take care
    Kate Bx

    • Hi Kate,
      The room really is a treat isn’t it.
      Unbelievably, they took my racing car away from me tonight.
      Shock horror – now it’s solo walking.
      I told the Physio, “good thing there are handwashing sinks along this corridor, I’m fairly close to chucking up in one.” The pain was on spew level!

      My gorgeous friend G – Vet to the Stars (adaptation of FF2010 Dentist or something to the stars)- was with me on the practice walk without the racing car, and she told the physio how to do physio on dogs who’ve broken their backs.
      Kate, I should have been a dog!

      Re teeth, it’s the wool that stuffs their teeth, honestly, if you shave their faces, the constant flossing with their wool every time they they lick their faces – doesn’t happen.
      We had the Bichons’ teeth cleaned every 6 months, but they still lost most of the front ones because the wool stuffed up their gums.

      I was proud of getting 13 suacings into a FF comment (along with obligatory bad spelling)- but LOVED your Queen of Sources and sorceress in disguise comments. Tee Triple Hee.

      • PS, at 16, Bronson is totally deaf – wonderful for a dog who likes to get his own way, so can never hear us yelling at him.
        And Bee, his twin sister, is blind -but somehow manages to totally intimidate the dodgy Brothers, Arnie in particular (and he idolises her). She can chase him all over the family room, and give him a bloody good nip when she’s cranky. Blind dogs are pretty bloody resilient if you ask me.

  11. S*#t Lou I cannot believe what I am seeing I thought you were alright???? Been at work this last couple of days then the kids had so much on I haven’t been on blogs ville of late
    just got back from the market (boy do I stink) its steaming!! & what do I find your in hospital whats happening with the back?? How long have you got to be in there for??
    what hospital is it? Please tell so I can send you a little something!! I will have to get my ass in to gear now & get a post up to help with your bordom gosh it might bore you even more though Lou!! Take care xxx

    • HI Elaine,
      No probs, I just thought you’d been lost in cyberspace.
      Boring, boring, boring here.
      I am reading some seriously DODGY blogs, interesting, but cringeworthy! Tee Hee. Some people should source proof readers, I believe.

      The recalcitrant Back. Burst (I do not understand this), compressed, then fractured a vertebra. I am very lucky it burst outwards away from the spine – so no surgery – just the joy of lying in this wonderful bed for 2 weeks, then home to do similar. Dr, such a cheery bugger, says, it will heal, but will take months, and will hurt for months. Nothing like a bit of positivity. If I dare to complain to Mr iT – who witnessed the Grand Descent – he says you’re lucky to be alive. IMAGINE saying that to a man in pain? Tee Hee.

      Please blog away – I’m happy to read something pretty, funny, controversial – but not about backs.
      And thanks for visiting again,

  12. Dear Louise, so excited you and Linda read the Stephanie Plum books, aren’t they a hoot? love them. have never gone so far as to sniff Bulgari – Mr B tells me it is Bulgari Green which Ranger uses, of course Mr B has a PhD in the books as he has read them all, in the Right Order, annoying. I have to say I prefer Morelli, more fun, Ranger’s too cool. Give me a man who calls me “cupcake ” any day. And I like the way Morelli’s dog Bob eats stuff like underwear. Early night here for everyone after the excitement of the small boy sleepover. All boys accounted for/returned to official residences with/without socks, toothbrushes, rocket launchers etc – phew! xx

    • I Have to admit that Ranger’s Apartment, and his cars sound WWWWWAAAAAAYYYYYY cool, and he has a housekeeper too.
      I love Bob as well. But Morelli’s house sounds a bit down market for me.

      Isn’t Mr B just a fount of knowledge re Stephanie Plum and friends. I’d say Mr B is a keeper!

      Did you get to keep any of the rocket launchers?

  13. Good morning Lou
    I intended checking in last night to see how you survived another boring day but fell asleep on the sofa and had to be hauled off to bed near midnight.
    Would you like to trade places for a day, I can lie in bed (minus the broken back) and you can hunt down tiles. May I ask what course you are studying at uni?
    Giggled myself silly reading about the hospital food covered in sauce/gravy. My dear mum is in care and some of her meals are now vitamised (pureed) and it’s a guessing game let me tell you. Mind you hers do actually taste nice.
    Hope you experience a less pain filled day L.

    • Hi Annie, How did you manage to get yourself talked into this?

      YES PLEASE come up here with a curly red wig, and impersonate me for a couple of days.
      You will get codine, endone (super cool – lives in the DD safe), panadol osteo, valium, cups of tea, far too much food, laxatives (tee hee – they are for the codine side effects).
      TV is tiny, on the ceiling so useless, but my laptop’s here.

      Uni – I do Archaeology, but they intermittently run out of subjects (I’ve done them all). So then I found this amazing subject in the guide book – Effective Drawing 1001. It’s charms were, no assignments, no reading, no tutorials, no tutorial presentations, no library research. Yippee said I. I’m in. checked with faculty office, and it was permissible, because you have to do a lot of site sketches, stratigraphy drawings, and drawings of artefacts as they are removed from the site, and in-situ.
      Well, of course there are no free lunches, and I completely forgot that I cannot draw to save myself. I don’t think I have ever worked so hard on a subject.
      So thn did a few more art subjects.
      Then another Archaeology Subject.
      Then decided for face my nemesis which is Academic Writing – let me tell you, it is the PITS.
      So this semester, that’s what I’m doing, so anyone who wants help with referencing, grammar, the correct use of colons, grocers ‘s, or any other absolutely scintillating grammarian facts – drop me a line.

      What’s the plan today Annie?

      MR Annie – ANNIE is TIRED, she needs to spend the day blogging and cheering up the decrepit, please leave her at home with her computer.
      You know, the Qantas A380 fan)
      BTW – have I got something to say about the 747’s in 1st Class – Qantas is very naughty to charge what they do for those seats.


    • And a very happy Valentine’s day to you too. Mr iT wouldn’t have the faintest idea it was V day. But I’ not feeling very romantic myself.
      Are you off to someplace romantic?
      Did you get flowers?
      I got a Bambini Cappucino and a lecture. Don’t know what the lecture was about – I never listen to them,

      • Hi Lou
        A goodly portion of our Valentines Day was spent on the southside looking at bathroom stuff with a quick sticky in Ikea (no such thing as a quick visit but I was fairly disciplined). Mr Annie even sprang for a gourmet Ikea lunch and freebie coffee.
        I’m a lucky girl.
        No pressies, we are about to hemorrhage $$$$ on the house and any extra funds go into the must have wine supply.
        Will pass on your observation re Q to Mr A.

  14. Your comment re archeology subject reminded me of the ‘Orchestra subject’ I took in my science degree…turn up to orchestra practice once a week and play in the end of year concert for 10 credit points….. piece of cake compared to biochemistry pracs which did my head in and only passed as I sat next to brainiacs and copied. Had to laugh out loud at your PJ description… not too far from the truth here… tragic, I know. Glad that your bloggy is bringing you some joy in that godawful, soulless hospital room. Chin up pet. A-M xx

  15. Hi A-M, and I loved your tea party deco lesson post this morning.
    I’l love one of those, spose I better go log on and find out when the next one is on.
    Would love them to come up here though.
    Couldn’t the Mater do with one of those makeovers.

  16. Hi there, I have to throw my two cents in re Morelli and Ranger. I am a Ranger girl, he just sounds very dirty in a good way. I love how he just calls her ‘Babe” But my very favourite is Grandma Mazur and her farting ways. I reckon I could give Mr Blighty a run for his money on Stephanie Plum knowledge. I belong to a bookclub, we are very highbrow. Entry is by reading all the required Janet books and I am afraid I have to admit to reading them in order. We do read other stuff. I have to say that so you don’t think I am a complete literary wasteground. Have you read the Time Travellers Wife, I enjoyed that and another bonus is that it is thickish and can take a while to read. FF posted about the Guernsey Potato Peel Pie Society and if you haven’t read that it is rather luffly.
    Hope the pain is fading.
    Thanks for putting me on your blog list, I feel a bit honoured to be up there with the
    big boys so to speak.
    I can’t for the life of me work out how to follow your blog. Any ideas. I have to come in through a comment or A-M or FF’s blogs.

    • Hi Deb,
      I have no idea how to follow this blog.
      Have you tried subscribing?
      It haven’t subscribed to my blog – so can’t tell you how to.
      Am I helpful or what.

      You could try cutting and pasting the blog address onto your desktop?
      Don’t forget – at the moment I’m on a cocktail of morphine, codine, panadol osteo, valium, coffee and cake, good chance you’re not going to get much sense out of me – tee hee.
      The solo walking starts this arvie – madly trying to google what other drugs I could ask for prior to that. Some IDIOT physio is talking about practicing steps as well. What the ….w . said I – don’t you know that I am incredibly old andI have a broken back, and a blog. funnily enough she beat a hasty retreat. Shall remember that line I can assure you.

      So back to Stephanie Plum – yes Grandma Mazur is such a cack – the mortuary viewings (with best food offerings) are honestly – hysterical. Not to mention Lula’s diet and her outfits, and how scared Tank is of her.
      It’s fun sharing this with other like minded fans isn’t it.

      Have read Time Traveller’s Wife- great book, horrid movie), and read Potatoe Peel Book when it was first released ages ago. So long ago, that now everyone is talking about it on FF – I think I need to go back and revise it, I’ve forgotten most of it.

  17. Dear Louise, I think that Mr B is a treasure – imagine knowing which Bulgari fragrance Ranger uses! You know what I will be doing next time I’m at an airport! Like Stephanie, I waver. I like them both. I do like Deb’s comment about Ranger!

    Yesterday we took the boat along Lake Argentina -it was a bit of a shock impersonating a sardine after so many days of visiting one horse towns along the way. Still, who knew that icebergs could be blue and that the face of the glaciers were a pretty pale Agentinian blue? It is raining cats and dogs and probably a few guanaco so I am cuddling my youngest in bed as I tap this out on my iPhone – Mr LiC who is quite gung

  18. ho has camping in mind in Puerto Natales or Torres de Paine. On verra! Did you get a lecture from Mr iT? Mr LiC is good at lecturing too but I simply go all miyopic and tune him out – it is an important skill! Hoping that the food gets better and you feel less pain. Love Linda

    • Hey Linda, Mr iT is a master at lectures (DAILY ONES TOO), since I have long curly red hair – he can’t see the earplugs!!!! Is your hair long enough to disguise a pair of earplugs or an iPod??
      The food is ,,,,….. yuck. I’m living on drugs, cake and coffee. And all my friends know I hate cake, I’m only in it for the icing. So, I get daily deliveries of iced cake from friends, the cake goes in the bin, the ants come after the cake, and the head nurse is on a mission to find out why my room, and only my room, is infested with ants every morning.
      Love keeping these guys busy, must be a break from washing old men’s willies, and emptying bedpans.
      See Deb’s comments above about Stephanie Plum and Grandma Mazur’s farting – very funny.
      Do you want postings of ex -Guanacos – i.e. skulls – or would the girls find that a bit gross?

  19. Oh Louise! What an awful thing to happen! I hope you get better soon!

    I found your blog via Blighty – she speaks so highly of you I knew reading your blog would be hilarious too.

    Do you have to do physio to recover from your injury as well as use the wheely??

    Kitty x

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