Think of this as a Fashion Blog, with a bit of a TravelBlogue thrown in.

So you’ve gathered it’s cold here, St Petersburg was very cold, Helsinki (oops where’s the blog for Helsinki – coming I promise) had the most snow in more than 100 yeas, so it was even colder, but Lapland – we’re on another level of cold up here.

One must dress appropriately for the cold.

Plan your wardrobe carefully,

Think Layers,


Here’s the strategy for a sightseeing wardrobe:-

Layers for your body


It’s all in the detail

Layers for your feet


Layers for your hands



Layers for your head



Then you can go meet these guys,

(Note – no way I was taking off gloves and digging out glasses to take photos  –  sorry they are a big blurry)

Have a good look at their faces



The rest of the photos are rear views only



While you’re here, how amazing are the trees?


They run so fast it started to get even colder


Someone’s regretting not wearing all those layers


Just as fingers and toes lost all feeling

Lunch was served inside a log hut, in the forest,

with authentic heating.

Note the people in the background demonstrating how warm the fire was NOT.

But too many coffees required a Comfort Stop after lunch,
Which of course had to be taken back outside
Naturally one had to rug up again to go outside and pee
Georgie ignored the rule that boys pee on trees and girls go to the loo
She chose the tree option
(PS  You have no idea how much I wished I owned a willie at pee time at -22C)
And she got so cocky she tried to cadge a lift home on a snowmobile instead of the dogsled
But in the end, it was dog’s bums all the way home for our Georgie.
I have to say the Dog Sledding adventure was amazing.
The dogs really do love to run and pull.
No RSPCA intervention needed for the Siberian Huskies we visited and sledded with.
They live to 13 at least,
They each have a private kennel
They have hot meals 3 times a day
They have enforced days off
They have full hospital facilities
The only injuries they suffer are from rough play with each other, and guess which dogs get injured that way?
Yep – the young males!
They are very clever, the girls of course are the smartest ones.
I’m just rushing off to Santa’s village now.

5 thoughts on “WHAT I’M WEARING TODAY

  1. What an absolutely wonderful adventure Louise. But by God it is cold. I once knew a family who took their four kids to Lapland to see Santa and they had the time of their lives.
    I agree, a willie would be much easier in -22C. Georgie is a brave bird for going a la naturale. Great to hear the huskies are treated well.
    Have fun!!

  2. Hey Annie, God you are amazing. It’s wonderful to read your comments posted so quickly.
    You are SOOOOOOOOO getting a present from Lapland!
    Some people, who could be related to me, could be my best friends, could be all my cohorts from work and Uni, are reading the blog then EMAILING or texting me instead of commenting.

    Santa comes here tonight Christmas Eve in Finland, woo hoo, we’ve been to the Santa Claus Village today, and everything was ready for the the big overseas trip tonight.
    Will post it all tomorrow.
    A very Merry Christmas to your whole family,

  3. Hey Paddy, it’s been even colder, there have been times when I thought my fingers were going to snap right off. Lots more photos, will post them as soon as Internet coverage improves. It’s satellite coverage up here, and in the fjords it all goes pear shaped.
    It’s been dark from 2pm till 11am – it does get a bit depressing.

  4. I wonder if you have friends or relatives you visited up in the north? How comes you stayed there for such a long time? Sounds like an unusual, unforgettable vacation.

    • Hi again,
      I made it home with horrendous flue and jetlag, and am indulging in sleep and feeling disgusting. We came home on a 747 not an A380 and the difference is ……. not good news for the Jumbo! I blame the jumbo for the jetlag and the flue!
      I’ll post an answer tomorrow.

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